Number Test 1A
Number Test 1A


The New version of the test is a timed test.  You only have 1 min to complete all the items on the test.

Calculators are not allowed, use of references is allowed but unnecessary.
Do not chat with other people regarding the test. Do not post the answers to the test ANYWHERE, if you do the test will become worthless. Please give your age and sex, and the scores and NAMES of any prior IQ test(s) you have taken.  When you send your answers be sure to make the subject (Number IQ test 1A-T).

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Number Test 1A-T (Below)

















Fill in the blank spaces

You only have 1 min to complete all the items on the test.


2) 3,5,7,11,13,__

3) __,0,3,6,9,12,__,18

4) 3,9,27,81,243,__,2187,__

5) 23,__,13,7,5,5

6) 49,36,25,__

7) 17,34,13,26,11,22,__,__

8) 144,64,16,__

9) 1,3,7,17,__

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